In accordance with paragraph 36.2 of Article 36 of the Law, the insurer (MTIBU - if the regular payment) within 15 days from the date of coordination of the amount of insurance indemnity with the person entitled to reimbursement, in the presence of all necessary documents on the case Accident, but not later than 90 days from the date of receipt of the application for insurance indemnity must:
in case of recognition of the applicant's claims justified - to make a decision on insurance indemnity (regular payment) and to pay it in case of non-recognition of the applicant's property claims or on the grounds specified by law - to make a reasoned decision to refuse insurance indemnity (regular payment).
The Insurer may take its decision earlier than the established deadlines. Within three working days from the date of the relevant decision, the Insurer (MTIBU) is obliged to send the applicant written notice of the decision. If the MTIBU member insurer knowingly violates the terms and conditions , for the purpose of pre-trial settlement of a dispute with an MTIBU member, you may complain to the MTIBU about the actions of such an insurer.
MTIBU has the right to apply measures of influence to insurers - members of MTIBU who do not fulfill their obligations under the Statute of MTIBU. Thus, the MTIBU does not consider complaints about the actions or inaction of insurers who have lost membership in the MTIBUS. in the offline mode) or to the e-mail address (by scanning the complaint to view your signature). The complaint can also be submitted to the National Commission for State Regulation of Financial Services Markets (01001, Kyiv, st. . Grinchenko 3).